
ALPHA 0.16.1 - 11 March 2024

FFA and 2TDM are back up
Credits to Cobalt

- "" to open the original rocketer

ALPHA 0.16.0 - 31 December 2023

game died
servers may or may not be returning

- abysslings despawn when there is no one in the hallway
- you now spawn as a node!
- changed the xp leveling system


- added, removed, and renamed many tanks! Press u or y to see the upgrade trees.
- tweaked upgrade levels
- completely changed the tank upgrade paths
- improved the account page
- you now get skill points every level
- added turret base size option in tank editor
- fixed the radiant shape achievement
- patched amalgam bug
- heavily nerfed heal auras
- removed the assassin tank :( it may or may not be re-added in the future
- added hybrid
- tetra is now minigun
- streamliner now has 4 barrels, conquerer has 7 barrels
- nerfed basic
- nerfed twin
- nerfed defender
- nerfed trapper
- nerfed protector and king
- buffed comet's front barrel
- buffed flank's back barrels
- traps can block bullets more easily
- tweaked trap collision with shapes
- turrets do not shoot when passive mode is turned on
- increased hexagon's health (25 -> 30)
- increased heptagon's health (75 -> 100)
- increased octagon's health (275 -> 325)
- increased nonagon's health (825 -> 1200)
- increased decagon's health (2k -> 4k)
- increased hendecagon's health (6k -> 19k)
- increased dodecagon's health (22k -> 57k)
- increased tridecagon's health (66k -> 172k)
- auras are bigger now
- negative barrel width are no longer allowed in tank editor

ALPHA 0.15.0 - 24 December 2023
- huge server performance improvement!
- added typing indicator
- added the abyss hallway
- added abyslings
- added radiant player in tank editor
- added repulsion auras in tank editor
- increased FFA map size (8000 -> 13000)
- increased number of shapes in FFA (300 -> 450)
- large shapes are more common in FFA
- star spawns less often
- buffed bullet penetration
- patched harbinger, comet, and hex tank upgrading bug
- tank button stats no longer show by default. You can enable this in settings
- tweaked flame's and fabricator's visual
- buffed smasher, spike, thorn, and saw
- buffed citadel's reload (15 -> 10)
- mono can now upgrade to armory
- bastion can now upgrade to battalion
- thorn can now upgrade to battalion
- your tank is now colored on the upgrade tree
- upgrade buttons are no longer clickable behind tank editor UI
- player angle, shape angle, and shape health are now lerped
- fixed tank size limit bypass, and nerfed tank size limit to 250
- invalid tank size in tank editor is no longer allowed
- negative asset size in tank editor is no longer allowed
- fixed some tank editor bugs
- cavern map is hidden
- now tier 4 upgrades look more compact and bigger in the weapon upgrade tree
- players are on the blue team by default in cavern
- now the turrets don't do a 360 when they rotate in 180 degrees
- radiant lvl and body sides now export and import
- fixed negative mine barrel width crash

ALPHA 0.14.0 - 18 December 2023

Developer token was reset.
If you want the token, message me in discord!
(Token NOT guaranteed because too many people)

- merry christmas: added star shapes in FFA
-NEW COMMANDS IN TANK EDITOR: /loadweapon and /loadbody
  example: /loadbody firebolt
- new eternal tank: dynamite (shoots detonator traps)
- reworked all body upgrades with drone turrets
- added crossroad gateways in sanctuary
- added gates in cavern
- quad can now upgrade from flank
- fixed collision with sanctuary spawner
- cavern walls are darker now
- added a limit of 7 portals in cavern
- modified main menu UI slightly
- added new setting, now settings save on reload

ALPHA 0.13.5 - 11 December 2023

The game is back to normal now!
Thank you for your patience!

- added body sides in tank editor
- new teams in tank editor:
     • barrel
     • asset
     • transparent
     • and all shapes from triangle to tetradecagon
- added mobile 360 movement
- added asset side limit of 500 and -500
- fixed bug causing barrel side offset to change when gaining score in tank editor
- fixed dune rock deformity when high fov
- nerfed heal auras
- fixed heal aura bug
- improved fps
- other secret changes

ALPHA 0.13.4 - 6 December 2023
- added a new tank editor server
- added 4tdm. this gamemode may be changed in the future.
- added region servers
- you can now freely switch between servers
- fixed feeding bug that allowed developers to make dune mobs give billions of xp
- fixed a bug that allowed to click on the gamemode arrows while in-game
- now the tank editor button doesn't overlay skill upgrade buttons
- skill upgrade buttons don't overlay the next upgrade text
- dune particles have been reworked
- crossroad particles have been added
- reworked radiant aura
- added heal aura to the tank editor
- added new properties to the tank editor
     • barrel delay
     • maximum minion count
     • minimum distance of minion from mouse
     • trap distance for mines
     • mines' detection range
     • mine barrel customization
     • minion barrel customization
     • bullet knockback
     • bullet growth
     • aura heal power
- player's team is now imported and exported
- fixed tank editor UI bugs and server crashes
- tweaked the editor UI and settings UI
- player chat messages, name and lvl/upgrades now overlay

ALPHA 0.13.3 - 27 November 2023
- changed wall, castle, palace, and ziggurat upgrades
- new eternal body upgrade: corvus (heal aura)
- new eternal weapon upgrade: asteroid (mine traps)
- different healing aura upgrades have different healing power
- barrels in tank editor are numbered
- new setting: show shape information (shows shape name and radiant tier)
- buffed all heal aura's healing power
- improved stat points UI
- added buttons for stat points
- added an ignore button
- improved crossroads darkness
- higher rarity radiant shapes have more particles
- minor UI bug fixes

ALPHA 0.13.2 - 20 November 2023
- added exporting tank codes in the tank editor!
- fixed assets in tank editor not being created
- fixed visual bug causing assets not being removed
- fixed bug causing hole in edge of assets
- fixed crossroads darkness bug for fighter's upgrades
- eternals no longer spawn in 2tdm base
- fixed tank stats not being updated after importing tank
- tweaked buttons
- reduced large shapes' rotation speed

ALPHA 0.13.1 - 13 November 2023
- tweaked acceleration and decceleration
- added chat position and opacity animations
- added shape health bar animation
- tweaked damaging aura particles
- tweaked barrel shooting height animation
- player angle is now lerped
- skill points animate smoothly when upgrading them
- changed skill points color
- added macrofire to the upgrade tree
- buffed the speed of most body upgrades
- nerfed executive's drone speed
- nerfed CEO's drone speed, health, and damage
- nerfed veteran's drone health and bullet reload, buffed recoil
- nerfed comet's bullet reload by factor of 1.5, buffed and fixed recoil
- nerfed soldier's bullet reload and recoil
- nerfed triton's drone damage (0.07 -> 0.05)
- nerfed fighter's recoil by 10%
- nerfed blaster's and tetra's reload
- nerfed warrior's back bullet reload, buffed recoil
- nerfed factory's minion reload (10 -> 15)
- buffed wall branch's speed by 0.5
- fixed mechanic's buff from a previous update
- nerfed tornado's reload (1 -> 4)
- nerfed hailstorm and thunderstorm bullet damage
- buffed citadel's damage and trap launch speed
- nerfed juggernaut health (130 -> 110)

ALPHA 0.13.0 - 7 November 2023
- smoother trap collisions
- increased crossroad's map size (9000 -> 16500)
- added gates on the sides of the crossroads
- you now spawn randomly within an area in the middle of crossroads
- tank editor server deletes all bullets when server runtime exceeds 75ms
- new featured youtuber: orochi.ex3
- 2tdm base defender drones' idling movement looks nicer
- smoother player collision with base defender
- fixed 2tdm crash bug
- fixed recoil pushing map edges causing jerky collision
- improved interpolation, game is smoother now
- fixed chat position
- server performance improvements
- the main menu now shows the full update
- less lag from mines
- fixed turrets not attacking large shapes
- fixed upgrade particles not spawning in 2tdm, crossroads, and sanctuary

ALPHA 0.12.8 - 28 October 2023
- added Amalgam! (upgrade path: flank -> tri-angle -> fighter -> amalgam)
- renamed death-star to hex
- hex has 6 barrels instead of 5
- removed blazer and swarm
- assassin now upgrades from streamliner
- tweaked split
- fixed comet's barrels
- upgrade tree and buttons now have same body color as the player
- improvements to mobile joysticks
- fixed a bug that made mobile controls zoom in on the screen
- game is now fullscreen for mobile users
- fixed body upgrade buttons not animating
- assets on the upgrade tree now rotate
- fixed smasher's asset
- fixed one of tornado's barrel shooting further
- nerfed basic's health regen speed (1 -> 0.1)
- nerfed basic's health (100 -> 75)
- nerfed all tier 2 body upgrade health regen speed (2 -> 0.2)
- nerfed all tier 3 body upgrade health regen speed (3 -> 0.3)
- nerfed all tier 4 body upgrade health regen speed (4 -> 0.4)
- nerfed all tier 5 body upgrade health regen speed (5 -> 0.5)
- nerfed all eternal health regen speed
- buffed palace's health regen speed (0.5 -> 0.8)
- buffed quadruplet's health regen speed (0.4 -> 0.5)
- fixed bug causing disconnects on death screen
- fixed bug causing movement to act strangely after joining game
- tweaked tank upgrade stats popup

ALPHA 0.12.7 - 22 October 2023
- crossroads darkness now look like your tank
- added a limit of 5 dune portals and 3 sanctuary portals in FFA and 2tdm
- buffed the number of shapes in FFA and 2tdm (150 -> 300)
- nerfed reload of cavern protector's front traps
- cavern protector can now deal damage when colliding with players
- buffed heptagon's size (80 -> 100)
- buffed octagon's size (110 -> 140)
- buffed nonagon's size (130 -> 190)
- buffed decagon's size (190 -> 290)
- buffed hendecagon's size (250 -> 435)
- buffed dodecagon's size (310 -> 650)
- buffed tridecagon's size (370 -> 970)
- confirmation dialog when closing tab only shows when you're ingame
- typing in chat no longer moves your tank
- evals no longer exist in the client code
- added Neondette and Crabby to the codev list

ALPHA 0.12.6 - 15 October 2023
- Patched tank editor! Thank you for your patience.

ALPHA 0.12.5 - 12 October 2023
- new body upgrades: mender, remedy, fabricator
- warden and defender now has smaller trap barrels, defender now has 6 trap barrels
- renamed constructor to alpha
- crossroads darkness now have rounded corners for the barrels
- pressing opposite keys (e.g. up and down) now stops your tank
- barrel editing UI in tank editor can now be minimized
- drones/traps/minions no longer deleted when touching map edges
- alpha and builder have smaller trap barrels
- smasher now has 6 sides instead of 3
- saw now has 4 sides instead of 6
- armory now has 6 sides instead of 4
- brigade now has 4 sides instead of 5
- battalion now has 5 sides instead of 6
- fixed the website not loading on Safari
- fixed death screen not showing

ALPHA 0.12.4 - 11 October 2023
- patched UI bugs
- Growth event! The increased growth is applied to all servers for 24 hours.

ALPHA 0.12.3 - 7 October 2023
- nerfed base defender drone's size (50 -> 40)
- buffed base defender drone speed (15 -> 20)
- buffed the number of base drones (10 -> 20)
- game should be smoother now
- fixed gamemode transition bug
- tweaked the UI and added more main menu animations
- ingame UI scales properly now
- tweaked death animation
- added screen shake and particle animation when upgrading tank or spawning in FFA, editor, and cavern
- fov now smoothly changes
- main menu background is no longer squashed
- fixed tank button stats outside the screen
- crossroads darkness now grows and shrinks
- fixed incorrect fov stat displayed
- fixed bug causing eternal-primordial's low FoV

ALPHA 0.12.2 - 27 September 2023
-you can now duplicate barrels in tank editor
-added a new guard branch (protector -> king -> master -> tyrant)
-added a new gunner branch (minesweeper -> battler / pinnace)
-main menu UI is no longer squashed
-improved gamemode transition animation
-fixed bugged gamemode transition direction
-new notifications now show at the top
-notifications now show pressed keybind
-death screen now shows time played
-reduced main menu darkness (0.6 -> 0.5)
-reduced dune's darkness (0.3 -> 0.2)
-improved the leaderboard again
-upgrade tree looks nicer now
-tanks that you cannot upgrade to are greyed on the upgrade tree
-fixed slower UI animation speed on lower framerates
-you can no longer open both upgrade trees at the same time
-particles should move more smoothly now
-buffed triangle's size (15 -> 18)
-nerfed gem's health (1000 -> 300)
-nerfed gem's score (50m -> 25m)
-increased streamliner's barrel length and decreased barrel width
-decreased conquerer's barrel width
-increased mechanic damage (0.54 -> 1.5)
-increased guardian front bullet lifespan (5 -> 25)
-keybinds now work with caps lock
-I keybind has been removed
-opening settings using O will also have a shadow
-disconnect notifications last a shorter time (100s -> 10s)
-fixed bug causing incorrect movement of WASD with caps lock
-fixed client sending multiple movement packets
-added anti-iframe (game no longer works on titotu)

ALPHA 0.12.1 - 20 September 2023
-new team colors in tank editor: magenta, fallen, and celestial
-leaderboard now scales based on number of players displayed
-grids are more visible above bases
-grids can be seen on crossroad maze walls
-leveling xp requirement is now abbreviated
-nerfed industry's minion bullet damage (0.6 -> 0.27)
-increased spawner, factory and industry's minion minimum mouse distance
-nerfed tower and stronghold reload (5 -> 10)
-buffed tower damage (0.1 -> 0.18)
-nerfed stronghold damage (0.2 -> 0.15)
-nerfed citadel reload (5 -> 10)
-buffed citadel damage (0.1 -> 0.15)
-nerfed mechanic's trap health (50 -> 35)
-nerfed mechanic reload (3 -> 40)
-increased mechanic damage (0.05 -> 0.54)
-nerfed mechanic bullet speed (20 -> 15)
-nerfed bunker reload (15 -> 30)
-nerfed vault reload (10 -> 20)
-increased damage for both bunker and vault (0.07 -> 0.33)
-nerfed guardian's front bullet reload (1 -> 5)
-increased guardian's front bullet health (10 -> 25)
-increased guardian's front bullet damage (0.5 -> 0.65)
-increased guardian's trap damage (0.1 -> 0.13)
-nerfed satellite reload (2 -> 8)
-nerfed triton reload (4 -> 12)
-reduced both satellite and triton drone cap to half for both (30 -> 15)
-nerfed oven, meteor and satellite branch hp (150 -> 120)
-nerfed pounder speed (7 -> 6.5)
-nerfed chasm speed (7 -> 6)
-nerfed firebolt's health points (125 -> 100)
-increased death star bullet speed (6 -> 10)
-increased meteor bullet damage (0.2 -> 0.3)
-increased nebula bullet damage (0.2 -> 0.25)
-nerfed builder damage (1.5 -> 1.2)
-nerfed builder bullet health (150 -> 100)
-nerfed builder reload (25 -> 50)
-increased constructor reload (100 -> 85)
-increased palace's health points (210 -> 240)
-nerfed tornado reload (1 -> 4)
-increased tornado damage (0.15 -> 0.18)
-increased tornado's lifetime (10 -> 14)
-nerfed cyclone reload (12 -> 14)
-nerfed cyclone damage (0.7 -> 0.76)
-nerfed health points of the propellor branch (100 -> 80)
-increased executive drone damage (0.4 -> 0.7)
-increased executive drone speed (5 -> 8)
-increased executive drone cap (3 -> 4)
-nerfed ceo drone damage (1.2 -> 1)
-increased ceo drone speed (5 -> 7)
-increased ceo drone cap (1 -> 3)
-increased exp of all dune mobs by 2 times
-reworked streamliner and conqueror (now they have more barrels)
-nerfed fighter and soldier reload (side - back, 3.25 - 3 -> 6.5 - 6)
-increased fighter damage (side - back, 0.2 - 0.1 -> 0.3 - 0.15)
-increased soldier's side and back bullet damage (0.2 -> 0.3)
-increased fighter recoil (1.1 -> 2)
-increased soldier recoil (1.05 -> 1.9)
-nerfed riot front bullet damage (1.2 -> 1.1)
-other minor UI changes
-added client interpolation

ALPHA 0.12.0 - 16 September 2023
-You can now import scenexe tank codes in the tank editor!
-2tdm now have random colors
-nerfed 2tdm defender drones' FoV (3000 -> 1500)
-portals leading to 2tdm can now spawn
-portals to FFA are now red
-slightly changed the UI of the tank editor
-number of barrels is now displayed on the button
-you can now customize aura type in tank editor
-you can no longer send NaN or undefined in tank editor
-you can no longer provide string values for properties that
are supposed to be numbers in tank editor
-Infinity values are not allowed in tank editor
-you can use Shift to repel drones
-you can use X for spin lock
-fixed bug causing crossroads darkness not covering sides of screen
-fixed bug causing barrels not correctly displayed
-fixed bug causing enter to not work properly in death screen
-reduced dune's darkness (0.3 -> 0.2)

ALPHA 0.11.12 - 10 September 2023
-patched teleporting score dupe
-nerfed demolisher's bullet damage (2 -> 1.7)
-nerfed demolisher's reload (50 -> 90)
-nerfed demolisher's bullet health (100 -> 60)
-nerfed bombshell's reload (50 -> 70)
-increased armory turret base size (0.4 -> 0.6)
-increased armory barrel width (0.5 -> 0.8)
-increased armory barrel height (0.9 -> 1.6)
-increased brigade turret base size (0.4 -> 0.7)
-increased brigade barrel width (0.6 -> 0.8)
-increased brigade barrel height (1 -> 1.6)
-increased battalion turret base size (0.5 -> 0.7)
-increased battalion barrel width (0.75 -> 0.8)
-increased battalion barrel height (1.3 -> 1.7)
-fixed brigade's tilted asset

ALPHA 0.11.11 - 8 September 2023
-reverted the performance change in previous update
-increased spawn protection duration (6s -> 60s)
-buffed detonator's bomb damage (0.2 -> 0.5)
-nerfed flamethrower's bullet damage (1 -> 0.4)
-buffed industry's minion's bullet speed (20 -> 25)
-buffed industry's minion's bullet reload (30 -> 20)
-nerfed industry's minion's bullet damage (1.1 -> 0.6)
-you now spawn in the safe zone in tank editor
-the grid in crossroads is thicker
-assets have a darker color
-fixed thorn's asset angle
-disconnected and socket error notifications now last for 1.5 minutes
-you now return to the homepage when disconnected from the server

ALPHA 0.11.10 - 6 September 2023
-huge server speed improvement
-different gamemodes have different main menu backgrounds
-fixed screen flashes, white background, and missing grids
-increased auto-rotate speed (1 -> 2)
-increased fast auto-rotate speed (3 -> 4)
-nerfed riot's front barrel bullet damage (1.4 -> 1.2)
-nerfed veteran's drone health (100 -> 75)
-nerfed blitz's reload (10 -> 15)
-nerfed blitz's bullet speed (20 -> 13)
-nerfed cyclone's reload (10 -> 12)
-nerfed cyclone's bullet speed (20 -> 15)
-tank names now scale based on FoV
-dev token users can no longer use html in broadcasts
-faster changelog loading

ALPHA 0.11.9 - 3 September 2023
-WASD works with caps lock on
-fixed tank editor's safe zone
-new tank: industry (upgrades from chaos)
-increased arena mapsize (6000 -> 8000)
-nerfed legion mob speed (10 -> 8)
-nerfed booster mob speed (15 -> 12)
-nerfed leech mob speed (20 -> 15)
-nerfed leech's health (100 -> 50)
-nerfed leech's damage (0.1 -> 0.05)
-nerfed pillbox's health (200 -> 100)
-nerfed pursuer's mob speed (10 -> 7)
-server performance improvements
-fixed random server lag when the runtime is normal

ALPHA 0.11.8 - 30 August 2023
-fixed heliosphere's lag
-increased cavern map size (6k -> 15k)
-added a box in the center of cavern where portals spawn
-tweaked leaderboard
-leaderboard now displays player's tank
-fixed bug causing crossroads leaderboard to display color and name
-better scaling of minimap and debug
-buffed cavern's shape count(100 -> 300)
-bigger shapes have higher chance of spawning in cavern
-decreased cavern portal spawn chance in crossroads (50 -> 20)
-server performance improvements

ALPHA 0.11.7 - 27 August 2023
-added cavern protector!
-tweaked the look of minimap, debug, and upgrade tree
-minimap and debug are no longer squashed
-fixed missing grid when high FoV
-fixed bug causing factory to have so many minions
-fixed negative drone count
-drones and minions are removed when you upgrade
-team colors no longer display in dune
-fixed score duping
-fixed weird veteran barrel positioning
-fixed bot's bullets not spawning at barrel tip
-buffed destroyer's bullet health (75 -> 100)
-buffed harbinger's reload (100 -> 80)
-buffed harbinger's bullet speed (6 -> 8)
-buffed harbinger's bullet health (100 -> 150)
-nerfed factory's minion health (200 -> 150)
-nerfed defender's trap damage (0.8 -> 0.6)
-nerfed cyclone's bullet damage (1 -> 0.7)
-nerfed destroyer's reload (50 -> 60)
-buffed flamethrower's reload (3 -> 2.5)
-buffed flamethrower's bullet damage (0.35 -> 1)
-buffed flamethrower's bullet speed (20 -> 25)
-nerfed veteran's drone speed (10 -> 8)
-nerfed veteran's drone health (120 -> 100)
-nerfed veteran's drone bullet damage (1 -> 0.6)
-reduced veteran's front bullet range (40 -> 30)

ALPHA 0.11.6 - 26 August 2023
-upgrade buttons and skill points look more like scenexe
-increased max chat length from 75 to 750
-long paragraphs of chat are now multi-line
-chats are displayed closer to player if name not displayed
-you can use the arrow keys to switch gamemode
-eternals on upgrade tree are the correct color now
-fixed incorrect number of skill points given in sanctuary
-patched octo stack exploit
-fixed aura changes not showing in tank editor
-you can now edit aura size in tank editor
-fixed bug causing aura not removed when barrel edited
-nerfed marksman's reload (25 -> 50)
-nerfed duel's reload (25 -> 50)
-nerfed hunter's reload (20 -> 50)
-buffed hunter's bullet damage (2.3 -> 2.5)
-nerfed firebolt's max health (125 -> 100)
-buffed oven's health (100 -> 150)
-buffed pounder's health (150 -> 200)
-buffed meteor's health (100 -> 150)
-buffed satellite's health (100 -> 150)
-buffed heliosphere's health (100 -> 150)
-buffed chasm's health (200 -> 250)
-buffed nebula's health (100 -> 150)
-buffed firebolt's health (100 -> 125)
-buffed triton's health (100 -> 150)
-nerfed detonator's trap damage (0.5 -> 0.2)
-nerfed detonator's trap reload (25 -> 50)

ALPHA 0.11.5 - 25 August 2023
-there are now 15 points per stat upgrade
-it is possible to max out skill points (lvl 210)
-sanctuary spawner now has 6 sides
-fixed purple team in tank editor
-styled scroll bars, and popups now show scroll bars
-added credits in settings (Infinite-3D is credited)
-nerfed hunter's bullet health (50 -> 35)
-nerfed hunter's bullet damage (2.5 -> 2.3)
-nerfed cyclone's bullet damage (1.2 -> 1)
-nerfed blitz's bullet damage (1.2 -> 0.9)
-nerfed sentry's reload (10 -> 15)
-buffed sentry's bullet speed (10 -> 15)
-buffed sentry's bullet damage (0.15 -> 0.33)
-nerfed bastion's reload (5 -> 20)
-buffed bastion's bullet damage (0.2 -> 1)
-buffed bastion's bullet speed (15 -> 20)
-nerfed artillery's reload (5 -> 20)
-buffed artillery's bullet speed (15 -> 20)
-buffed artillery's bullet damage (0.35 -> 1.87)

ALPHA 0.11.4 - 22 August 2023
-TheArrasPolice is now a featured youtuber
-server performance optimizations
-nerfed defender's trap health (200 -> 100)
-nerfed defender's trap damage (1.5 -> 0.8)
-nerfed factory's minion health (500 -> 200)
-nerfed spawner's minion health (500 -> 100)
-buffed factory's minion lifetime (1000 -> 3000)
-more accurate client runtime

ALPHA 0.11.3 - 20 August 2023
-2 new tanks: Spawner and Factory!
-new tank: blade (upgrades from chainsaw)
-fixed bug causing incorrect dimension after death
-buffed chasm's health (100 -> 200)
-buffed pounder's health (100 -> 150)
-nerfed chainsaw's body damage (3.75 -> 3)
-nerfed chainsaw's health (100 -> 75)
-nerfed chainsaw's speed (9 -> 7.5)
-huge server runtime improvement for aura spawning

ALPHA 0.11.2 - 19 August 2023
-color transition when changing gamemode
-warning is shown when closing the tab
-nerfed eternal's health (400 -> 100) and damage (3.5 -> 0.3)
-re-added gem! It is now black and gives 50m score.
-nerfed radiant shape and big shape spawn chance
-fixed tridecagon not spawning
-increased shape health
-increased shape count in FFA and 2tdm (100 -> 150)
-server code and bandwidth optimizations

ALPHA 0.11.1 - 17 August 2023
-lag shouldnt cause packet limit exceeding
-fixed failed teleporting. After a failed teleport, you may need to wait
a while before being able to teleport again. You will be able to teleport
again after seeing a red notification

ALPHA 0.11.0 - 13 August 2023
-reworked dune
-4 new settings: turn off rad particles, and dune particles,
show static dune mob names and dune minion names
-new developer command: ?help
-2 new featured youtubers: Rubid and Pentamancer
-chats look nicer now, and display older messages above new ones
-fixed rocks in dune having an extra line
-fxed spawning gates now have outlines
-fixed multiple fun facts being shown

ALPHA 0.10.6 - 8 August 2023
-last 3 digits of a player's id is shown for unnamed tanks
-leaderboard now shows correct colors (ffa and 2tdm)
-you can finally switch gamemode on mobile
-random fun fact is shown in a notification when you join the game
-increased max connections per IP from 1 to 2

ALPHA 0.10.5 - 7 August 2023
-fixed drone position bug for certain screen sizes
-increased fps limit from 30 to 60
-changelog on homepage is les blurry and squashed now

ALPHA 0.10.4 - 6 August 2023
-changed the xp leveling system slightly, more score needed to increase in levels
-world record no longer includes scores from tank editor
-fixed jerky sanctuary spawner rotation
-info is shown when hovering over property in tank editor
-minor visual improvements
-disconnected and log in notifications do not appear when switching gamemodes
-hoempage background moves slower
-increased gamemode change animation speed
-upgrade button hover animation is smoother now
-fixed tornado not affected by bullet speed stat points
-nerfed tornado's ullet lifetime (25 -> 10)
-buffed tornado's bullet damage (0.06 -> 0.15)
-fixed 2tdm bullet and all aura color when passive mode on
-keybinds no longer triggered when editing tank in tank editor
-added a limit to fov in tank editor

ALPHA 0.10.3 - 3 August 2023
-you can now add mine barrels in tank editor (cannot edit yet)
-removed the broken mine bodybarrel option

ALPHA 0.10.2 - 1 August 2023
-you can now edit asset position
-fixed bug causing gamemode to not be remembered
-tank editor UI closes upon death
-enter now works on death screen

ALPHA 0.10.1 - 30 July 2023
-a notification is shown when connection error occurs
-added safe zone to tank editor
-you can kill players outside the safe zone
-added the aura gadget to tank editor
-reduced the max score of dev token xp command
-fixed eternal bug in FFA
-increased tank editor map size (3000 -> 6000)
-increased FFA map size (4500 -> 6000)
-tank editor has a score limit of 1 trillion
-tank size now changes to limit if exceeded in tank editor

ALPHA 0.10.0 - 29 July 2023
-added tank editor!
-huge performance improvement for mobile players
-fixed drones not spawning after teleporting
-health bars are thinner
-dark shapes' health bar are more visible
-minor changes and bug fixes to the debug
-mobile no longer sends unneccessary mouse press packet
-disabled mobile pull-to-refresh

ALPHA 0.9.8 - 24 July 2023
-significant bandwidth reduction
-developers can no longer respawn with score
-fixed team color in FFA after teleporting from 2tdm
-fixed green base defender's drone color
-nerfed detonator's mine damage (2.6 -> 0.5)
-nerfed detonator's trap damage (6 -> 2)

ALPHA 0.9.7 - 22 July 2023
-2tdm is here!!!

ALPHA 0.9.6 - 17 July 2023
-patched server crash script
-fixed json parsing issue affecting teleporting
-placed a packet limit for mouse movement

ALPHA 0.9.5 - 15 July 2023
-traps and drones slowly move out of shapes and mobs when collide
-fixed account achievements and high scores
-nerfed king's health (5000 -> 3000)
-nerfed blitz's reload (5 -> 10)
-buffed blitz's bullet damage (0.6 -> 1.2)
-nerfed cyclone's reload (5 -> 10)
-buffed cyclone's bullet damage (0.6 -> 1.2)

ALPHA 0.9.4 - 14 July 2023
-fixed server repeatedly sending player count
-fixed respawning in non-ffa dimensions
-fixed respawning with score
-discord bot sends player count every 3 minutes instead of 5
-fixed mountain's health

ALPHA 0.9.3 - 12 July 2023
-fixed server sending multiple achivement requests

ALPHA 0.9.2 - 11 July 2023
-add bullet penetration (the higher the value
the faster it runs out of health)
-dune mobs can now push you
-you can no longer stay directly on top of a dune mob
-nerfed hexagon' health (32 -> 25)
-nerfed heptagon's health (128 -> 75)
-nerfed octagon's health (512 -> 312)
-nerfed nonagon's health (2048 -> 675)
-nerfed decagon's health (8192 -> 2025)
-nerfed hendecagon's health (32768 -> 6075)
-nerfed dodecagon's health (131072 -> 18225)
-nerfed tridecagon's health (524288 -> 54675)
-nerfed big traingle's health (50 -> 8)
-nerfed big square's health (200 -> 25)
-nerfed big pentagon's health (800 -> 150)
-nerfed big hexagon's health (3200 -> 300)
-buffed guard's drone damage (0.1 -> 0.15)
-buffed commander's drone damage (0.1 -> 0.15)
-buffed blitz's bullet damage (0.5 -> 0.6)
-buffed swarm's bullet health (15 -> 20)
-buffed manager's drone damage (0.07 -> 0.1)
-buffed conquerer's bullet damage (0.08 -> 0.1)
-buffed guardian's bullet health (5 -> 10)
-buffed comet's bullet health (5 -> 10)
-buffed soldier's trap health (30 -> 100)
-buffed director's drone damage (0.08 -> 0.12)
-buffed CEO's drone damage (1 -> 1.2)
-buffed hailstorm's bullet damage (0.6 -> 0.7)
-buffed warrior's side bullet health (0.8 -> 5)
-buffed brigade's bullet health (10 -> 15)
-buffed battalion's bullet health (10 -> 15)
-buffed quadruplet's bullet health (10 -> 15)
-buffed meteor's bullet health (10 -> 15)
-buffed nebula's bullet health (10 -> 15)
-nerfed stream's bullet damage (1 -> 0.8)
-nrefed targeter's bullet damage (0.5 -> 0.3)
-nerfed marksman's bullet health (50 -> 30)
-nerfed palisade's trap health (150 -> 100)
-nerfed minelayer's trap health (300 -> 150)
-nerfed single's bullet health (75 -> 50)
-nerfed blaster's bullet health (20 -> 10)
-nerfed blaster's recoil (1 -> 0.48)
-nerfed rimfire's bullet health (40 -> 25)
-nerfed destroyer's bullet health (100 -> 75)
-nerfed duel's bullet health (50 -> 30)
-nerfed builder's trap health (200 -> 150)
-nerfed warden's trap health (200 -> 100)
-nerfed engineer's trap health (500 -> 250)
-nerfed engineer's bullet health (150 -> 20)
-nerfed centrefire's bullet health (40 -> 20)
-nerfed macrofire's bullet health (80 -> 15)
-nerfed macrofire's bullet damage (7.5 -> 2)
-nerfed knockback's bullet health (200 -> 50)
-nerfed riot's bullet health (60 -> 20)
-nerfed hunter's bullet health (75 -> 50)
-nerfed constructor's trap health (750 -> 300)
-nerfed machine's trap health (500 -> 300)
-nerfed machine's bullet health (150 -> 20)
-nerfed manufacturer's trap health (1400 -> 900)
-nerfed mnufacturer's bullet health (150 -> 20)

ALPHA 0.9.1 - 9 July 2023
-bandwidth is now accurately shown
-fixed accounts not logging in
-fixed world record not working

ALPHA 0.9.0 - 8 July 2023
-Game performance is much better now!
-added animation when teleporting between dimensions
-removed speedster
-nerfed snowstorns's speed
-buffed detonator:
-main dmg: 0.2 -> 2.6
-explosion dmg: 1 -> 6

ALPHA 0.8.4 - 4 July 2023
-server optimizations
-full mobile support has been added. Joysticks has been improved
and you can now upgrade tanks and skill points
-you only gain half of the score of the player you killed
-players no longer flash when hit. Instead, they become brighter.
-UI improvements
-fixed developer broadcasts having invisible background
-fixed chat causing client-side error

ALPHA 0.8.3 - 2 July 2023
-rewrote the server code with Websocket instead of socketio
-multitab prevention, the older tab will be disconnected
-fov increases when body size increases

ALPHA 0.8.2 - 1 July 2023
-server optimizations
-fixed bug causing dune mobs to be above players
-improvements to the UI
-new achievement, Titan: get to lvl 100 without any upgrade (idea from X5)
-you can now view achievements that you do not have
-5 people can now be shown on the world record leaderboard
-reset the world record leaderboard
-developers cannot be killed
-device now shows game fps instead of device fps
-fixed discord bot sending incorrect server restart messages

ALPHA 0.8.1 - 29 June 2023
-fixed discord invite link
-remade the homepage background
-added chainsaw (tier 6), low health but insane body damage, does not have tier 7 upgrade
-added cosmetic (tier 7), upgrades from hailstorm
-new dune mob, Mountain. it is extremely strong and durable
-passive mode aura has a lighter color

ALPHA 0.8.0 - 28 June 2023
-bandwidth has been significantly reduced
-press h to toggle hitbox
-sanctuary spawner no longer looks weird when player has high fov
-new dune mob Booster (idea from TrickyArrasGames)
-new tank upgrade from engineer, Detonator (idea from Noobogonis)
It shoots spiky balls that explode into 6 traps.
-fixed bugged mine barrel rotation
-mines can now shoot traps that don't have AI
-rewrote some server side code
-improved UI

ALPHA 0.7.2 - 23 June 2023
-renamed master to warrior
-added darkness to crossroads
-balanced dune mobs
-fixed leaderboard not sending bug
-mouse position only sent every 10px instead of 5px
-changed the style of notifications again

ALPHA 0.7.1 - 22 June 2023
-cavern portals only spawn in crossroads, not arena
-auras are now more transparent and have particles
-non-bullet ammunition are not deleted when touching crossroad's walls
-added a radiant shape aura size multiplier limit (tier 3 rads is max)
-added another color animation for radiant shapes
-radiant shapes become brighter when hit
-fixed incorrect radiant shape particle position
-bombshell now upgrades to demolisher
-bombshell now has 3 barrels instead of 6
-veteran is now tier 7, and upgrades from master
-updated the upgrade tree for eternals
-added bandwidth to the debug

ALPHA 0.7.0 - 20 June 2023
-added three youtubers
-ruptured portals now lead to the crossroads!!!
(you can rupture a portal by moving in and out of it)
-big shapes now spawn near the center of the map
-fixed server crashes due to dev rainbow
-map size no longer changes based on player count
-fixed bug causing grey circle around dune mobs
-objects no longer suddenly appear at the side of your screen

ALPHA 0.6.5 - 17 June 2023
-portals can be ruptured by moving in and out (but doesnt do anything)
-dodecagon (1 in 2000 chance) and tridecagon (1 in 5000) can spawn
-part of the changelog is shown on the homepage
-added featured youtubers that changes on page reload
-there are now names to the gamemode selectors, still unreleased though
-fixed shape names not displaying on death screen
-performance improvement: radiant shape colors now on client code

ALPHA 0.6.4 - 14 June 2023
-Buffed mortar/saw.
-Recolored mortar/saw's outline.
-less stuff sent to client to reduce lag from players and dune mobs
-shape colors, shape names, bot colors, and bot secialty are all on client code now instead
-slightly nerfed damage of big shapes
-nerfed radiant hendecagon's damage (1 -> 0.5)
-portals no longer sent twice
-portal collision screen shake is on client instead of server code
-screen shake from portal can be felt from a distance away from the portal
-portal no longer grows in size after you enter it
-portals grow on touch, but becomes smaller after you teleport
-portal particles are more intense
-portals are slightly smaller now

ALPHA 0.6.3 - 13 June 2023
-fixed blaster and executive's fov bug
-dune mobs' bullets now spawns below the mobs
-you can toggle shape color theme in settings! There are two themes: default and old. Note that theme changes to default when you open or reload the website.
-improved the style of the popups
-shapes no longer flash when hit. Instead, they turn a lighter color. Radiant shapes do not change color when hit for now. Other objects such as dun mobs still flash when hit.
-shape colors are on client code to reudce bandwidth usage and allow us to add themes

ALPHA 0.6.2 - 12 June 2023
-fixed sanctuary. The bug was caused by undefined fov.

ALPHA 0.6.1 - 11 June 2023
-skill points are now at the bottom left and right of your screen, similar to scenexe
-removed bullet health skill points
-buffed FoV skill points (1.03 -> 1.05)
-fixed bug with traps and skill points
-big shapes are now worth killing
-we are using scenexe shape colors now
-reduced radiant chances in arena. Almost all radiant shapes in arena are tier 1 or 2
-nerfed big shapes chances
-increased max shape count from 74 to 99

ALPHA 0.6.0 - 10 June 2023
-improved dune mob with dune mob collision
-some dune mobs can shoot bullets and traps
-reduced mob spawn limit
-turret base is no longer shown when you become an eternal from a tank that has auto turrets
-eternal upgrade buttons only appear when you are in the sanctuary
-new tank, Nebula, upgrades from meteor
-changelog file is compressed before being sent
-removed unneccessary client packets

ALPHA 0.5.5 - 8 June 2023
-mouse positions only sent to server when there is 5px change instead of 1px
-server only reads changelog once, instead of every time a user opens the website
-reduced latency pings from 1 to 1.5 seconds
-armory's upgrades' auto turrets have slower reload and faster speed
-huge balancing for all tanks
-drone count is reset when you teleport, allowing you to spawn drones after teleporting (but old drones are still not destroyed in previous dimension)
-new tank, Mayhem, upgrades from Chaos (looks like overlord)
-new tank, Firebolt, upgrades from Lightning
-new tank, Chasm, upgrades from pounder
-chaos tank is now fully drone and looks like arras' overseer
-changed notification's looks a little bit
-disconnection notifications are different based on the type of disconnect

ALPHA 0.5.4 - 6 June 2023
-new tank that upgrades from oven: heliosphere
-your skill points are reset after entering the sanctuary
-auras no longer need to be in the center of the player, allowing us to add more diverse aura tanks
-red auras are more transparent now
-AI drones no longer freeze when you right click
-bullets now spawn at the tip of the barrel

ALPHA 0.5.3 - 5 June 2023
-copied scenexe's UI
-new tank: thunderstorm (upgrade from hailstorm)
-bunker now has three trap barrels
-new tank: vault (upgrade from bunker)
-fixed smasher's body asset
-you can no longer reset your tank when entering the sanctuary
-you can only upgrade to a tier 6 tank when in the sanctuary
-changed sacntuary and sanctuary spawner a bit
-increased view range of sanctuary spawner so it wont disappear when youre moving away from it
-nerfed veteran's speed

ALPHA 0.5.2 - 2 June 2023
-hugely buffed cavern
-fixed shapes not spawning
-added manufacturer (upgrade from engineer) and macrofire (upgrade from rimfire)
-added meteor, a tier 6 tank
-nerfed chaos' drones
-bombshell's bullets shoot all at once
-hailstorm now has 3 barrels that shoot slower
-the weapon upgrade tree now shows the tanks. Press y to view.
-Buffed beast, titan, boss, and king.
-Beast is now more likely to spawn.
-Nerfed pounder's speed. Nerfed pounder's body damage.

ALPHA 0.5.1 - 1 June 2023
-added tanks in the body upgrade tree. press u to view it
-fixed body barrels when there's high FoV
-dev token new command ?blackandwhite makes the dev black and white
-dev token commands to stop rainbow and blackandwhite: ?stoprainbow and ?stopblackandwhite
-increased dev xp limit to 0.1t
-buffed centrefire and rimfire, both have more focus fire
-devs can no longer have negative score
-new dev token command: ?xp max

ALPHA 0.5.0 - 30 May 2023
-Migrated to the new domain and new Frankfurt server. Do inform me if there are any problems through Discord or Reddit.

ALPHA 0.4.5 - 30 May 2023
-disabled accounts and discord bot temporarily as we prepare for server move

ALPHA 0.4.4 - 29 May 2023
-AI drones can no longer repel
-fixed jet, stream and flamethrower's body upgrade bullets also growing
-developers are no longer added to the world record leaderboard
-reverted the world record leaderboard
-improved the death screen
-nerfed rocks in dune
-client no longer pings server a gazillion times per second
-dev token new command ?rainbow makes the dev rainbow
-dev token new command ?name changes the dev's name
-dev token new command ?xp changes score
-dev token new command ?u4 and ?u5

ALPHA 0.4.3 - 28 May 2023
-press y and u to view the new upgrade trees (tanks dont load yet, will be in next update)
-fixed stream, jet, and flamethrower (the tanks that supposed to have bullet that grow)
-fixed knockback's body upgrade having knockback too
-fixed weird drone barrel when have higher fov
-fixed AI turrets not shooting through barrels, e.g. turret, triplet, quadruplet
-fixed stream's missing upgrade button
-Notifications last for a longer time
-portals in sanctuary spawn less often but last longer
-you now spawn from one of the barrels of the sanctuary spawner
-fixed the world record leaderboard. Previously, if you beat the second highest score, you will replace it instead of the previous second highest becoming the third.
-world record leaderboard now shows your body upgrade, if there is one
-changed quadruplet's barrels, and slightly changed mono, turret, and triplet barrels
-developer token broadcast command changed from ?broadcast to ?bc
-developer token new command ?u1 makes it a powerful ball, ?u2 gives it a powerful barrel with insane recoil, and ?u3 gives it a powerful drone with insane speed.
-developer token new command ?col changes the dev's color, hsl, rgb, hex, and color name

ALPHA 0.4.2 - 25 May 2023
-fixed AI drones randomly disappearing (due to NaN drone count and position)
-fixed drones not spawning (due to inaccurate drone count)
-shape size, damage, speed, and rotation speed nerf
-decagon (milky white) and hendecagon (bright blue) are bigger now
-shape score adjustments
-fixed radiant nonagon, which was giving 15 score
-almost all homepage text uses Roboto font
-slightly changed notification design

ALPHA 0.4.1 - 23 May 2023
-fixed oven's aura
-fixed droneCount player undefined error

ALPHA 0.4.0 - 22 May 2023
-separate body and weapon upgrades! Most tanks have been renamed/added/removed. More tier 6 tanks will come in the next update. Upgrade tree is outdated, it will be updated soon.
-some of the body upgrades look goofy, they will be changed in next update
-tanks feel quite weak now, shape stats will be adjusted in the next update
-changed the homepage a lot and added a region selector UI (that wont be used for some time)
-added ALPHA versions to updates, and yes we are already at 0.4.0. reached 0.4.0 within 13 days.
-veteran has been nerfed A LOT
-fixed colors of big square and big triangle
-leaderboard is more compact
-fixed weird shape on skill points when mouse hover to open
-layout changes. skill points are now at the top of the screen
-rewrote code to allow tanks with aura to have barrels
-left click makes drone not repel, instead of left click release
-buffed sniper's speed but nerfed sniper's bullet damage
-nerfed cannon, fortress, guard, and their upgrades
-significantly nerfed split, stream, and blazer
-buffed minelayer's traps but nerfed bullets, hopefully increasing defence against other players
-buffed knockback's reload. it is quite powerful now.
-nerfed death star. previously it had one of the highest bullet damage (0.3 per loop. Tanks are supposed to have 0.08 damage per loop)
-hugely nerfed harbinger. previously it had the highest bullet damage (0.35 per loop)
-nerfed riot and hugely nerfed guardian and comet
-nerfed trap tanks
-do reach out to me through discord or reddit if u feel any tank requires buffing/nerfing, or if u find any bugs. There are some known bugs regarding AI drones.

ALPHA 0.3.7 - 17 May 2023
-lag improvement, but game still lags due to insufficient server CPU
-smoother shape wih player collision
-smaller shapes now cannot push bigger shapes
-shapes now slide past each other when colliding
-you can no logner kill other players in sanctuary
-added collision for players and portal to sanctuary for players below level 100
-buffed veteran for the final time, nerfed pounder
-all in-game text now uses Roboto

ALPHA 0.3.6 - 14 May 2023
-new upgrade buttons! Looks more like scenexe's buttons
-fixed grid lines when having high fov
-you can now move your mouse to the middle left of your screen to view your skill points
-fixed error when player dies
-fixed client error related to fov
-fixed AI tanks' barrels visually facing mouse
-lag improvements
-triangle is now smaller than square. Square is now red. Rip yellow square.
-fixed radiant octagon and radiant nonagon being the same size
-nrefed size of all shapes
-shiny shapes, gems, jewels, stars, and collosal squares have been removed. there was a bug preventing them to be spawned for quite some time anyways
-nerfed radiant chance in arena
-all portals now have equal chance of spawning, but dune and sanctuary portals last 5 times longer than before. Spawn chance has been reduced by 5 times.
-tank using dev token now have a bright green color and their bullets are green too
-buffed targeter's recoil and bullet speed
-increased streamliner's recoil
-increased conquerer's recoil

ALPHA 0.3.5 - 13 May 2023
-fixed 2 errors related to sanctuary

ALPHA 0.3.4 - 12 May 2023
-purple portals now lead to the sanctuary. You MUST be level 100 or more in order to enter. Entering it will allow you to upgrade to a tier 6 tank
-fixed the drone error
-nerfed veteran's drones

ALPHA 0.3.3 - 8 May 2023
-changed the client UI abit
-clicking the gamemode arrows makes a black oval swipe past
-gamemode text opacity animation when switching gamemodes
-a bit of server runtime improvement

ALPHA 0.3.2 - 7 May 2023
-gamemode UI: u can now click on the arrows to switch gamemode, but the unreleased gamemode brings u to the current ffa gamemode
-background changed, and it now moves
-fixed canvas not clearing on homepage

ALPHA 0.3.1 - 6 May 2023
-fixed aura width not affected by FoV
-radiant shape tiers are here! there are 5 tiers for radiant shapes, each giving different amount of scores. tier 2 gives the same amount of score as old radiants. higher tier rad shapes are rarer in arena, but in cavern, all tiers have equal chances
-fixed aura flashing bug
-portals leading to arena are now grey
-added purple portals that dont teleport you yet. It will lead to a new dimension for tier 6 upgrading

ALPHA 0.3.0 - 5 May 2023
-old radiant aura is back, but better and with new colors
-radiant shapes now have particles
-cavern is now bigger
-collision detection is now more accurate!
-reduced server runtime, the change is more noticable when there are more players
-fixed mines in dune and cavern
-fixed offset bullet barrels when player has higher FoV

ALPHA 0.2.15 - 2 May 2023
-increased acceleration and deceleration
-added joysticks for mobile

ALPHA 0.2.14 - 1 May 2023
-fixed error when clicking play immediately after loading
-multitab and bot prevention
-account username, password, and description is now editable
-fixed space bar shooting

ALPHA 0.2.13 - 29 April 2023
-changed some client stuff
-fixed veteran
-new tanks with new weapon: minelayer, engineer, machine! Minelayer upgrades from palisade.

ALPHA 0.2.12 - 28 April 2023
-bug fixes
-gamemode UI

ALPHA 0.2.11 - 27 April 2023
-small changes to client code
-added simple notification animation
-fixed commands triggering when typing in account username and password
-mouse movement is smoother
-a bit of latency improvement
-the website now remembers your previous name

ALPHA 0.2.10 - 25 April 2023
-traps now decelerate instead of suddenly stopping
-improved drone angle code
-drones now face your mouse
-drones no longer stay at the same position when you dont move your mouse but your tank is moving
-nicer drone idling when mouse is not moving
-you can right click to repel drones away from mouse. Repel works for drone AI tanks too.
-changed the homepage a bit. the font used is Roboto, which is scenexe's font

ALPHA 0.2.9 - 23 April 2023
-fixed chaos' drones
-rewrote client code so that it can handle higher FoV
-changed the grid lines
-your account's high score is now updated when you die
-your account now have a profile icon, but it cant be customized yet

ALPHA 0.2.8 - 22 April 2023
-aura colors are no longer hard-coded in server bullet spawning code
-Crossbreed's aura is now larger
-aura tanks now have an aura base
-buttons no longer draw the aura, instead the show the aura base
-arena and dune background colors are different now
-nerfed bastion's reload but buffed it's damage
-added AI target range
-AI tanks now turn to face targets instead of immediately facing targets
-removed big heptagon
-added CoolStrawberry's shape colors
-simplified the debug panel
-the debug panel now shows the global player count
-debug panel doesnt show on the homepage, but automatically opens when you start playing
-added latest update's date on the top left corner
-changed the homepage's background
-skill points now have an outline
-visual changes to leaderboard

ALPHA 0.2.7 - 20 April 2023
-added accounts!
-added drone count limit
-spawn protection is turned off when you start moving or shooting
-fixed stronghold's reload bug
-fixed changelog heading
-Flame is now stronger, and has a much weaker additional aura, making it the first ever multi-aura tank.
-To balance out the extra aura, flame is now even slower.
-New tanks; Crossbreed, Executive, and CEO.

ALPHA 0.2.6 - 17 April 2023
-nerf to bot damage
-ingame leaderboard now shows top 3!
-leadrboards update faster now

ALPHA 0.2.5 - 16 April 2023
-nerfed first dune hive's spawning rate
-devs can now broadcast everywhere
-balancing to dune bots
-Dune Grower's size growth is 10 times more, but with a size limit of 300
-slightly buffed AI tanks
-rocks and boulders in the dune have irregular sides
-you can now use space bar to shoot
-it is now more difficult to escape map borders
-added new tank: juggernaut. It have a weak suction aura but higher body damage.
-fixed buttons not displaying correct aura color
-citadel looks nicer now
-updated upgrade tree

ALPHA 0.2.4 - 15 April 2023
-fixed bug related to palace
-AI tanks now have auto-turrets!
-Nerfed veteran's drones for the second if not the third time
-portals have been redesigned
-Buffed comet due to ram being extremely obsolete
-Added experimental broadcast command
-shapes now move faster when colliding
-small shapes move faster and rotate faster
-Gem have been recolored
-Gem and Jewel has been resized
-Made special shapes(Shiny, Star, etc) actually rare to find

ALPHA 0.2.3 - 11 April 2023
-Stat points added
-Redesigned bunker
-Recolored oven's aura
-New rimfire upgrade, "centrefire"
-Buffed oven's aura size
-Fixed Speedster and Saw not spawning
-Flame's aura color has been given a more orange-ish aura, hence the name "flame".
-Flame has been significantly buffed, but speed, regen, and regen speed has been nerfed for balance.
-Lightly nerfed veteran's drones
-Added Comet, an upgrade to booster.
-Comet and Booster now has better recoil, and base speed.
-Flare has been renamed to Tri-angle
-A jewel spawning is no longer announced
-Flare(Tri-angle), Comet, Booster, and Fighter's thrusters have been fixed.
-added skill points!!!
-fixed "next tank upgrade" position with higher fov
-improved drones collision detection
-traps now have a bigger hitbox with other traps
-almost all tanks were balanced
-citadel looks completely different, and no longer has AI

ALPHA 0.2.2 - 8 April 2023
-Nerfed and redesigned veteran
-fixed softlock due to missing recoil property
-fixed fov bug due to the new canvas resizing code
-New dune enemy, "Saw"
-Another dune enemy, "Speedster"
-Balanced beast
-Shapes now have rounded corners
-grid lines dont draw when there's high FoV (doesnt affect any tanks)
-a bug has been found which causes right movement to unable to reach maximum speed
-moving diagonally no longer makes you faster
-tier 6 tanks' bullets are purple even if they are an enemy
-changed gunner's reload delay
-added spawn protection
-leaderboard is more compact

ALPHA 0.2.1 - 7 April 2023
-Added dune enemy, "Beast".
-Added rock type, "Boulder".
-Added aura tank, flame.
-added recoil when shooting
-game is no longer squashed on devices that are not 16:9 ratio
-changed leaderboard
-fixed bug causing different colored name outline

ALPHA 0.2.0 - 6 April 2023
-Developers now spawn at level 100
-Buffed chaos, Nerfed bunker, Buffed and redesigned pounder(Is now stronger than rammer)
-Added soldier, a new upgrade to fighter
-Added a new, extremely rare shape, "Jewel"
-updated the score bar at the bottom of your screen!
-object death animation triggered when another player on you screen disconnects
-you can now respawn with score!!! you will respawn with 50% of previous score, with a limit of 0.5m

ALPHA 0.1.11 - 5 April 2023
-fixed auras (there was a bug due to yesterday's update)
-rammer base is no longer hard-coded in client code
-each hive have their own bot limit, so it's easier to farm in dune
-added fighter

ALPHA 0.1.10 - 4 April 2023
-a bug has been found: apparently portals in cavern disappeared twice as fast compared to other portals. this has been fixed
-added object death animation
-buffed double's reload
-double, triple, and quadruple now have alternate shooting like twin
-nerfed triple's bullet range
-fixed bug causing long line next to stars

ALPHA 0.1.9 - 3 April 2023
-changed twin
-buffed basic's reload and bullet speed
-added animation for upgrade button when hovering
-added opacity animation to tank stats
-tanks in the upgrade buttons now rotate
-shapes now rotate
-press 'o' to open settings ingame
-added animation for popups
-new tank: rimfire
-made upgrade tree neater, still not complete
-minimap is darker
-portals are different on the minimap. orange indicates portal to dune, radiant indicates portal to cavern, and white indicates portal to arena
-nerfed body damage (1 -> 0.1)

ALPHA 0.1.8 - 2 April 2023
-server side changes to allow proper barrel balancing
Event - 1 April 2023
-Apil Fools event

ALPHA 0.1.7 - 31 March 2023
-reset barrel shooting animation after upgrading, hopefully it will prevent long barrel bug
-completion of upgrade tree (press y). More features to the upgrade tree will come in a future update.
-changed the color of upgrade tree slightly so the connections are visible in cavern
-fixed double, triple and quadruple barrels
-new colors for shapes
-halved shape health and reduced shape damage
-all shapes now have fixed outline width of 5
-shapes have different amounts of weight, so smaller shapes can now be pushed
-shape collision now feels less rough

ALPHA 0.1.6 - 30 March 2023
-buffed palace
-buffed basic's reload and nerfed bullet damage
-buffed twin's reload and nerfed bullet damage
-buffed double's reload and nerfed bullet damage
-buffed flank's reload and nerfed bullet damage
-fixed knockback's upgrades having knockback too
-added upgrade tree (press y)
-buffed gunner's bullet speed
-score needed for each level is now exponential, hopefully this will make the front part of the game easier. Levels for upgrading are now lvl 1, 5, 20, 45 and 100 (1.17m score for tier 6). Additional info for those interested: exponential equation used: 1.05^x * 9000 - 9000. Size growth per level: 0.5, stops growing at lvl 160
-tier 6 tanks have been buffed
-nerfed basic's body damage
-added pounder, all ter 6 ram tank
-tier 6 tank bodies are now hexagons on the upgrade buttons
-tank stats popup look better now
-auras on upgrade buttons are now slightly transparent

ALPHA 0.1.5 - 27 March 2023
-fixed bug causing server disconnect when killing another player
-decreased aura transparency
-added settings
-added radiant aura size slider in settings
-buffed hailstorm's speed (3->5)
-fixed negative health bar
-added 2 new tier 6 tanks: bombshell and oven (bombshell isnt the same as the bombshell in rocketer clones)

ALPHA 0.1.4 - 26 March 2023
-significant improvement to the lag

ALPHA 0.1.3 - 25 March 2023
-changed shape spawn rates and shape scores and health
-nerfed cavern spawn rate for bigger shapes, but cavern still gives a lot of score
-added barrel animation when shooting
-tier 6 tanks are now purple even if it's an enemy
-added animation when upgrade button appears

ALPHA 0.1.2 - 24 March 2023
-buffed reload recover for triple
-added quadruple which upgrades from triple
-added tier 6: hailstorm, bunker, chaos. Can be accessed at level 500

ALPHA 0.1.1 - 23 March 2023
-different hives in dune now have different spawn rates
-tank upgrade levels changed: lvl 1, 2, 15, 45
-the level for next tank upgrade is written on bottom right of your screen
-hive locations are shown on the minimap
-score from bots from the top left hive has been reduced due to the high spawn rate
-rocks now spawn near the center of the dune map
-removed several bots
-changed how bots' names are written
-added dev token

ALPHA 0.1.0 - 21 March 2023
-nerfed grower's growth
-nerfed some bot's spawn rate, especially rock
-commands are no longer triggered when typing in your name
-you can now press enter to join the game
-added chat with max of 3 messages each time, and character count limit of 50
-nerfed dune bots

ALPHA 0.0.15 - 20 March 2023
-dune is bigger and now have 4 hives (spawning points)
-bot now have fov range of 1000
-maximum of 100 bots can spawn
-bigger jump between score and health of shapes in arena only
-added grower bot
-added bumper, mega crasher and mega bumper
-added star
-added big square, big triangle, big pentagon, big hexagon, big heptagon, collosal square
-added gem
-added "i" function
-added "p" function (passive mode: bullets and aura do not deal damage)
-notifications are now slightly translucent

ALPHA 0.0.14 - 19 March 2023
-fixed spikes above capital M
-name can only have ascii characters, if contains other character, character is removed instead of entire name becoming unnamed
-changed the colors for nonagon and decagon (same colors as scenexe heptagon and tridecagon)
-added big shapes (full credits to rucketor)
-map size increased for arena to 4500

ALPHA 0.0.13 - 18 March 2023
-world record info should be updated faster now
-other players and their bullets are now red instead of blue
-buffed conquerer
-added nonagon
-removed medic for now
-massive overhaul of the cavern with a texture revamp, spawning is very different and now you can find a new shape worth 2.7M!

ALPHA 0.0.12 - 17 March 2023
-changed the homepage
-radiant shapes dont have white outline to aura anymore (change is more noticable in cavern)
-Nerfed Death Star.
-Added 2 minibosses, both worth 300k. The first one is called King, it is general purpose and has no special effects. The next one is called 'Wall' and has shield powers
Massively buffed the slower dune bots' damage.

ALPHA 0.0.11 - 16 March 2023
-Buffed Dunes so it is worth it to grind for mobs.

ALPHA 0.0.10 - 15 March 2023
-added world record button! Currently only one world record holder is displayed.

ALPHA 0.0.9 - 14 March 2023
-auras no longer flash
-fixed knockback's effect on shapes
-added size growth limit at lvl 2k
-more than one person can kill a bot
-nerfed rammers
-nerfed all trap tanks
-reduced hitbox of white portal at top left of dune
-added octogon and radiant octogon in arena
-nerfed radiant spawn rates in arena

ALPHA 0.0.8 - 13 March 2023
-visual changes to radiant shapes
-shapes now move in a circular motion
-decreased acceleration increment
-it's now more difficult to stay on top of a shape
-increased the flashes when objects are hit
-bullets now flash when hit
-objects now flash white and pink instead of only white when hit
-other minor visual changes
-score from shapes are now split equally among all attackers
-added radiant heptagons to cavern
-buffed swarm and assassin
-changed upgrade button color
-changed color of aura outline
-updated the color of tanks in the upgrade button

ALPHA 0.0.7 - 12 March 2023
-reduced bandwidth
-added radiant heptagons
-nerfed bullet health for all tanks
-nerfed tornado's bullet range
-buffed assassin
-removed bullet penetration property

ALPHA 0.0.6 - 11 March 2023
-max shapes spawning in arena is 100
-added heptagon only in arena
-radiant shapes give 3 times more score instead of 10 times more score
-changed the color of tanks
-changed the color of cavern
-fixed leaderboard bug in dune
-fixed weird shape in leaderboard when score is low
-simplified the code for leaderboard drawing
-nerfed flank and all it's upgrades including booster
-nerfed auto-mothership drone speed (20->10)
-nerfed node upgrades' body damage
-buffed medic's body damage
-tank bodies now have same outline width
-changed radiant shape outline

ALPHA 0.0.5 - 10 March 2023
-score is given to everyone who dealt damage to shape
-animation for joining game is 3 times faster
-play button is now always behind the popups

ALPHA 0.0.4 - 9 March 2023
-nerfed bots
-reduced radiant shape aura size
-shape outline width now increases for bigger shapes
-huge balancing, difference between tank tiers have been reduced
-reduced blizzard aura size
-tanks with aura now have faster speed
-balanced shapes
-squares a bit bigger
-decagons are a bit smaller and have less health
-boss bot now have 1 in 7500 chance of spawning instead of 10000
-cavern portal has now 1 in 5 chance instead of 1 in 10
-nerfed drone tanks and blitz

ALPHA 0.0.3 - 8 March 2023
-increased acceleration
-knockback's bullet knockback for players reduced (100->50)
-nerf knockback's bullet damage (1000->300)
-nerf harbinger's bullet damage (7500->3000)
-nerf raider's aura size (4->3)
-nerf forge aura size (6->4)
-nerf foundry aura size (8->5)
-nerfed size growth per level (0.06 -> 0.04)
-decreased portal suction force
-increased portal hitbox
-changes to shape outline color (doesnt affect radiant shapes yet)
-changed background grid line color, width and distance between each line
-fixed a bug causing inaccurate score ending with 3

ALPHA 0.0.2 - 7 March 2023
-arena map size now starts at 3000 instead of 1000
-shapes will push you away if you touch them
-added acceleration and deceleration

ALPHA 0.0.1 - 6 March 2023
-added discord button
-changed the link of the website
-cleared most of the changelog
-first public release!

Older entries are no longer available. The game was created on 28 May 2022 and released on 6 March 2023.